[How to fix] Get A Deleted Profile


Deleted a profile that you have been playing on for like a lot of time, or whatever, <you must read to know> how then you'll get the deleted profile:

  1.  Open your Xbox 360 (Note: You must be signed into Xbox LIVE).
  2.  If you are signed in to the profile, just sign out.
  3.  On the Xbox Dashboard, go to Sign in, then go to the end and click on    'Recover Gamertag' 
  4.  Enter the Email + Password of the email you created the account with.
  5. Click on Continue, follow the steps and your profile is back!
If you got any problem, feel free posting a comment on my Youtube Account (Note that you have to have a Youtube Account). Scroll down and add the comment as the following:

Dear GuyBlue78,

I got a problem, my problem is : (problem here) - Please help me and thanks

-(Name or Name of Account here)

*Replace the (          ) with the correct information.