Deleted a profile that you have been playing on for like a lot of time, or whatever, <you must read to know> how then you'll get the deleted profile:
- Open your Xbox 360 (Note: You must be signed into Xbox LIVE).
- If you are signed in to the profile, just sign out.
- On the Xbox Dashboard, go to Sign in, then go to the end and click on 'Recover Gamertag'
- Enter the Email + Password of the email you created the account with.
- Click on Continue, follow the steps and your profile is back!
If you got any problem, feel free posting a comment on my Youtube Account (Note that you have to have a Youtube Account). Scroll down and add the comment as the following:
Dear GuyBlue78,
I got a problem, my problem is : (problem here) - Please help me and thanks
-(Name or Name of Account here)
*Replace the ( ) with the correct information.